2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Achieve Abundance In June 2024

June contains a multitude of fascinating transits, particularly for air and changeable signs. 

However, water signs will have a good time once these planets, which are currently in Gemini, enter Cancer. 

The month begins with Jupiter's trine to Pluto on June 2nd, followed by the new moon in Gemini on June 6th, two magnificent transits that will encourage the collective to change up how they create relationships.  

On the 9th, Mars enters Taurus, giving earth and water signs an edge. Venus and Mercury swim in the enigmatic waters of Cancer on the 17th, providing rich and happy energy to water signs before the Sun enters Cancer on the 20th.   

On June 21st, 2024, the full moon in Capricorn will remind us to take things seriously. It's a wonderful time to catch up with friends, make peace at work or school, and become more responsible.  

Finally, Saturn goes retrograde on the 29th, adding another chapter to the Saturnian era's variable signs. A period of reflection, patience, and clarity will also be necessary for the group.  

1. Gemini

Jupiter will form a trine to Pluto on June 2nd, 2024, which will have a beneficial influence on your sign. It ushers in a new era of power and influence for you, and if you lack confidence, this will feel like your true moment in the spotlight.   

2. Cancer

Cancer season begins on the 22nd, ushering in a new chapter and bringing a wealth of abundance to your horizon. However, before that, the month begins with the Jupiter trine to Pluto on June 2nd, 2024.   

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