3 Zodiac Signs Who Need A Break From Love On June 1

There are numerous reasons why someone may desire to take a break from love. While taking a vacation isn't as simple as turning off and not letting love in, there are times when we wish it were.  

On June 1, we are encircled by Pluto and Jupiter's energy forces, and we may discover that our best and healthiest posture during this time is to be alone and at peace.  

Three zodiac signs have their own reasons for wanting to take a break from love. We may have recently ended a relationship that broke our hearts, or we may feel the urge to be alone right now.   

Perhaps we should spend time with people who aren't interested in relationships, romance, or anything remotely resembling love.   

1. Virgo

You've mentioned it before: I need a vacation from everyone. And, while you rarely take that break, the reality is that the break you truly want is sitting beneath a palapa somewhere on an island with a girly cocktail in your hand, alone, without your spouse by your side.  

2. Scorpio

You've begun to wonder if you can live without the constant presence of your loving partner; has it really come to this? Scorpio, you cannot think like this.  

3. Capricorn

To keep your love life alive, you believe you must not constantly stare at your lover. Basically, you don't want them in your face all the time, but you're trying to be diplomatic about it.   

The 10 Zodiac Signs That Indicate Your Soul Mate