4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The New Moon In Gemini On June 6

Mercury takes over on June 6th, when the new moon is in the sign of Gemini. This transit has the most impact on changeable signs.  

Carrying on from Jupiter's entry into Gemini, this transit focuses on our communication and relationships.   

We'll all go through significant shifts, especially with Pluto in an air sign, and we'll witness how Jupiter in Gemini will cause us to shift our attitude in order to learn more deeply.  

The transit offers flexible locations that allow you to enhance your abilities, expertise, and personal growth  

The new moon may be exhilarating, demanding, or overpowering. Nonetheless, Saturn shows us the breaks and a path to follow for the next six months. Check out how the transit will affect your sun, moon, or rising.  


Having many planets in your sign fills you with optimism and allows you to dream big. Jupiter in your sign promises a wonderful year full of fresh prospects and hope. As the new moon begins a new cycle for you, you will be challenged to stand up for yourself and build structure.   


Jupiter is already at the greatest point in your natal chart, and the new moon in Gemini builds on the themes you will be aware of over the next six months. While you discover more about your professional or occupational goals, the Jupiter transit encourages you to dream large  


With the new moon in Gemini, you may be reflecting on old relationships. This new moon provides you with the tools you need to avoid repeating past mistakes and instead learn from them — a time when you may be more open to the reconciliation and healing brought about by this transit. You've learned a lot in the past, and you're putting those lessons to use right now. Saturn, along with other mutable signs, is creating friction for you, emphasizing the importance of these lessons.   


The new moon in Gemini reenergizes your house, family, and relationships. You're here to connect with the community, a topic started at Jupiter's ingress into Gemini. However, you will learn more about this because the new moon will accentuate and magnify these issues for six months.  

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