Caitlin Clark: Revolutionary in the world of sports

 If you told younger me about Caitlin Clark's impact on women's sports, much alone sports, I'd think you were crazy.  

 Men's games are on prime time, celebrities sit courtside, and their players are paid more.  

 Men dominate sports, and Wake Forest is no exception.  

 As a Wake Forest student, I observe the gender gap in athletics.  

 “Our teamwork is most important. I wouldn't be here without this crew."  

 The McCreary Football Complex, which cost millions, is the talk of campus, but most students,,,

 don't aware our women's golf team won the national championship last year. Sports are full of injustices, but Caitlin Clark is changing that.   

 Last season, the NBA attracted 1,712,000 viewers per game, while the WNBA averaged 505,000 in 2023.   

 It may take time for the WNBA to catch up to NBA game viewing, but this number is record-breaking.  

 The rise of women's basketball must be explained at the college level.  

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