Leo Monthly Horoscope for June

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: June 3: Mercury enters Gemini June 6: New Moon in Gemini June 8: Mars enters Tauru June 16: Venus enters Cancer June 17: Mercury enters Cancer June 20: Cancer season begins + summer solstice June 21: Full Moon in Capricorn June 29: Saturn Retrograde in Pisce

The future looks bright, Leo! You have so much to look forward to as we start the month off midway through Gemini season.  

when Mercury enters Gemini on June 3. Your words are more convincing over the next few weeks. New friendships may enter your life. The following day, on June 4, Mercury and Jupiter sync up in Gemini. 

The New Moon Gemini on June 6 brings a new beginning; you’re planting seeds for your future hopes and dreams. 

Your professional life becomes busier than ever starting on June 8 when Mars enters Taurus. 

Venus, the planet of love, enters Cancer on June 17, and you’re craving more solo time. 

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Cancer on July 17, making your intuition more precise over the next few weeks. 

The Sun enters Cancer and the summer solstice takes place on June 20, switching up the cosmic vibes and putting you in a sleepier mood.  

A Full Moon in Capricorn lights up the sky on June 21, delivering a change in your daily routine. Maybe you start traveling for work, or perhaps it’s time you move on from a job that no longer feels fulfilling. 

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29, bringing your attention to your resources. It’s time to apply new strategies to pay down debt and set new financial goals for yourself. 

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