The Kentucky Derby is turning 150 years old. It's survived world wars and controversies of all kinds

 American Pharoah recovered from behind and attacked his final two adversaries as a record audience cheered.  

 The 2015 Kentucky Derby saw the bay colt and jockey Victor Espinoza take the lead with a furlong to go and win by a length.  

 “There’s nothing like winning the Kentucky Derby,” said three-time winner Espinoza.  

 “To me it’s the most important thing in horse racing.”  

 Saturday marks the 150th anniversary of America's longest-running sports event.   

 It's two years older than the Westminster Dog Show.  

 The Derby survived two world wars, the Depression, and pandemics, including COVID-19 in 2020, when it ran in silence without 150,000 fans.  


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