Three Zodiac Signs That Face & Overcome Relationship Issues on June 4  

Nobody likes to fight with other people, yet everyone seems to experience relationship tension. We may dread social dinners; 

We will go to bat for our friends any ol' time, yet the reality of actually 'being' around people, depending on the situation, 

can make us want to run away. On Monday, during one particular Saturn transit, 

, we will face ourselves and figure out if we really want to be with our tribe more — or less. 

We don't want to continuously put it off for another day, but nothing is appealing about getting together with this person, and for three zodiac signs, we may be looking for a way out of this engagement. 

There's always some potential for some kind of friction between humans, and Saturn's energy brings this out, which may be a key factor as to whether or not we get together with someone on June 4. 


You cannot escape an event on this Saturn transit is going to make sure you sit down and stay put. And, that's that. 


If you didn't have this person in your life, you may feel really lonely. Even though it's your big secret, the truth is, you don't want a life without their constant nagging or guilt-giving. You care for them so much that it's hard to admit, because if you did, holy smokes, what new version  


Conflict is the name of the game regarding how you feel about get-togethers. While you like your social network very, very much, there's this real guarantee of conflict and argument, and it's almost as if it can be no other way.  

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