Weekly tarot horoscope reading for June 3 to June 9, 2024


You are a very action-focused person, always on the go, busy and physically energetic.  


Mars moves into your sign this week, bringing a fiery blast of passion and ambition with it.  


It’s your season, and Mercury (your ruling planet) is in your sign. All cylinders are firing, Gemini, and it’s a week to be abundant, full of joy, adventurous, and to say yes to everything coming your way. 


An older, or more senior, Fire sign male is going to be important this week – even if this is a role model or inspiring person you read up on. 


Sky’s the limit, Leo! Of course it is, you knew that anyway, because you’re a natural born leader and go-getter! The World wants you in full flow this Gemini and Mars in Taurus season.  


This week is all about repairs. I don’t want that to sounds tiresome or dull, because actually you truly enjoy fixing stuff and making it work properly again, so this will be rewarding. 


Luck be a lady tonight! Libra, the Seven of Wands is nudging you to play a bold hand right now, enter a competition or lottery, take a chance 


You can manifest whatever you choose right now, Scorpio, but you do need to focus. 


A personal transformation and process of deep, lasting change lies in store and it starts this week. Death is the harbinger of change. 


Use your network to help you solve some problems, mitigate some risks, and firm up some options or ideas in your own mind. 


Seize opportunities to take on responsibility in areas you believe you know best, should have more control over, and want to demonstrate leadership in. 


Take opportunities to relax, look after your physical health, be at peace, enjoy good company, eat well, nurture your mental wellbeing, and live your life in balance and harmony.